The project is a three book series along lines of A Series Of Unfortunate Events, Harry Potter, and the like. The story follows the adventures of young Landon Snow through all sorts of amazing exploits. For more info on Book One, Landon Snow And The Auctor's Riddle, check out the site; simple, but effective. Look around the text for links to other Landon Snow treats. Release date is October 1st, this fall.
The example here is for the interior illustrations. There's probably around 20 -25 "chapter spots." The spots are small illustrations that go at the top of the chapter.
This is the rough for one spot from Book Two. The request was for a bird that belongs to the old man.
The request below,
"A green bird with white underwings and white and black markings. (This is the bird the characters heard singing before arriving at Vates' place in book 1. It's Vates' bird, and its name is Epops.) "

Here was the first rough. Not quite what they were looking for, they wanted something small that could fit in your hand.

So, the creation of the second rough. This one was accepted and all that remained to do was the final, below. It was done on Graphic paper (a type of printmaking paper) with graphite pencil.

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