Based on the critically-acclaimed novel by Jonathan Safran Foer, "Everything is Illuminated" tells the story of a young man's quest to find the woman who saved his grandfather in a small Ukrainian town that was wiped off the map by the Nazi invasion.
What starts out as a journey to piece together one family's story under the most absurd circumstances turns into a surprisingly meaningful journey with a powerful series of revelations -- the importance of remembrance, the perilous nature of secrets, the legacy of the Holocaust, the meaning of friendship and, most importantly, love.
"Everything is Illuminated" is adapted for the screen and directed by Liev Schreiber and stars Elijah Wood, Eugene Hutz, and Boris Leskin.
From http://wip.warnerbros.com/everythingisilluminated/
The trailer is pretty exciting, I think, especially the ending. If you do watch the trailer, go to site above and look for it.
Same here.
Never even heard of the book.
Sounds really interesting though.
It's risky material for a first-time director... But Schreiber's involving screenplay and his remarkably assured handling of the material somehow brings it all together into an effective, charmingly offbeat whole.
Foer's novel is a great search for knowledge that ends up illuminating more than what was originally sought after. When looking for a good read, you will definitely get more than expected from this work. And in a good way. That is the only way I can think to describe this book. I definitely recommend this novel for everyone! It will definitely stay with you. It is a must read before anyone can call themselves a "well-read person."
Rieut sirah jeung buuk asa murulukan wae ieu teh, kunaon nya eung ? haha
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