That is to say, most children know who Superman and Batman are before they can open their eyes or even spit-up well. There are very few things like this. The other notable one, research shows, before they are even born, most children know Darth Vader is Luke's father. (Except my fiancée Erin who grew up in a house with two sisters. So I spoiled it on accident. Geez, I'm sorry.)
But I'm getting off the point. There are many areas with which to contrast these two comic book icons, but I mean to point out one, undeniable fact; while the image of Batman is iconic and strong in and of itself, it serves only to be enhanced by a movie.
Superman, while bold and dynamic and powerful, I do not be to be so. Not in a movie. He is a man in red underwear. He looks great in print but in real life movie form?... I am not yet convinced.

A. I'm just not so sure I'm sure about this.