Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Auditory Expirences of Note

Hoping to better convey moods and feelings with music instead of words, here are two expirences and pictures off my phone and the music playing on my iPod at the time.

The other night, I was driving to my place after a super busy day at work, long but fine run in the gym, and a very late excursion to a 24 hour Wal-Mart (bless those 24 hour places, they are on my schedule) to allocate some much needed supplies, I was exceptionally tired.

It was pushing close to that delirious time around 2 AM when no one needs to be out. I was rounding the bend when this song, incredible title and all, by the indominable Sufjan Stevens came on.

"They Are Night Zombies!! They Are Neighbors!! They Have Come Back From The Dead!! Ahhhh!"

* * *
From tonight, a moment from the gym. I've taken to running on the treadmills which isn't super easy because I've been stuck with asthma for years, but with a little persistance, I'm managing to work through it. I'd always heard it was possible, and, well, it is.

Tonight was walking in through the hallway and seeing the sights (fill in your own details here) while music by John Swihart [Napoleon Dynamite] dribbled in the best way possible into my ears via small black headphones.

Napoleon Video Store

There you have it.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if the asthma is the cat's fault. Kitty always makes me sick...

Cory Godbey said...

see here:
