It was in this moment, with this drawing, I first captured what I wanted in my art.
I was at work, just out of highschool, and doing illustrations for text books for the publishing company attached to my college. Basically spot art, nothing all that exciting except for the fact I was learning and getting paid to learn.
Mostly I screwed around, took forever, re-did pieces because I was frustrated, and basically just wasted a lot of time being bad at drawing and painting. Maybe that's exaggerating and maybe not.
My drawings up to this watershed moment, were lacking in any dimensionality, realism, depth, or feeling. They were flat.
But somehow, when I got the art request to do an illustration of The Cat and the Fiddle, I just felt different. I can't explain how, it just happened. I started drawing and it worked, finally.
And there, as I sat at my desk, I got it.
That's pretty cool.
I think it was the same for me. You suddenly have the ability to just see and don't understand why you couldn't before. then, if you stop for a long period, somehow the ability to see disapears. It seems like a miracle that you were able to see in the first place and all the things you took for granted seem unatainable, until you get back on board and start drawing again.
what a great feeling! and, you've still got it!
thanks for sharing your internal process and the external product ;) I'm still waiting for that "moment" both for my illustrations as well as the fine art (sigh). I hope it shows up soooon. This is really lovely, and full of feeling. You are so right. Nothing replaces 'drawing board time'
Wow. Fantastic! I really like this piece and not only because it is a cat with a fiddle... great work.
Art is a passion, a love that both puts you in a rage and then sweeps you off your feet. Ya gotta have that fire in your belly to do this sort of thing. It'll drive ya and push ya to realize a personal vision attainable only by yourself, b'cause no one else can see what you can see...
Burn baby burn !
Luv the top hat on the top cat.
What a great post! I love the illo and the story that accompanies it. There's something magical about that moment - you described it perfectly!
All the best!
Oh, I like him! He's very dashing!
Great illo. Great post. Nice work.
Awesome! You give me hope that it'll happen for me too!
This post is so inspiring, Cory. Drawing and painting are my first love. I hope I can someday be as good as you. I really love your work and I hope you continue to capture your audiences with astounding pieces, like your cat and his fiddle. :)
Alas, for some of us, the moment never comes. Until we pick up a guitar and write our first non-bad song...
Beautiful drawing and an inspiring story to go with it :)
uh.. yeay ya did.. and we are so lucky you 'got it'. Such a fabulous start to a marvelous career!
:) Abbie
wow! Great to see your work and read your story. Love your style! It's delicate!
Thanks for the inspiration.
loved reading the story behind the drawing! you really did GET IT, your art is amazing!
beautiful! and great story... been there!
Oh that's just awesome!
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