Erin and I just watched the whole first and second season of LOST on DVD in about a week. No really, we did. We did 10 episodes in one day once. I loved it (I had only seen the first season) got her hooked, and well, here we are. Waiting. For season 3. We bought rabbit ears for my old TV.
For those who are into the really, really crazy conspiracies about what's going on in LOST, check out this idea written a guy named Andrew Smith. Almost convincing:
The Seventh Seal Theory
The Seventh Seal Theory
I am tempted to belive it, but don't want to, as that would mean that every one dies but charlie and clare and Ein (the baby) A cool link none the less. I just wish I got TV reseption.
even more interesting i think is the apparent connection between LOST and the old Bergman movie "The Seventh Seal"
the pirate talk is realllllly old gwen
so speaks Anonymous man! & from behind the fantastic mask of anonymity, no less.
Hey, I just wanted to thank you for sharing that link! What a great read. I sure have been lost without Lost....can't wait till the 4th of Oct.
gwen, he/she/IT. i happen to be an it. try to more inclusive in the future...
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