I changed it to black and white to better try and figure out Painter and work with only value. It seemed to help. Right now I'm excited about the nose, and the light streak just behind the jaw. Other than that I'm still just trying to figure it out.

There hasn't been a whole lot of updating going on here for sometime, unfortunately.
I've been swamped with work (which is a real good thing) but means very little updating. My thanks to those of you who've stuck with me through the lean times.
Awesome work! It looks funny in a good way. What program do you use? It looks goo that way.
Man, I love the richness of detail in this!
I've started to push my own work further to get closer to this level of sophistication but I'm still pretty new to photoshop, this is a great example for me, shows what can be done.
Thanks for sharing!
As long as you keep writing, I'll keep reading. Great artwork.
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