Keith Zoo!
Oh boy! Just email me your mailing address and I'll get you your drawing.
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And now, Behold! here is DRAWING GIVE-AWAY 2 :
An original page from my story Walters, from Flight 6. Included with it is a print of the final, printed page from the story.
All you need to do to win this drawing (and print) is leave a comment.
For fun, you can tell me your favorite kind of geometries (or shape) in your comment. Mine is a triangle.
Remember! -- You must comment on this post for a chance to win this drawing.
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Comments for this drawing will close at 11:59 PM EST
If you're seeing this on Facebook, you'll need to visit my original post to comment. I'll only be counting the comments from my blog.
*Your choice of geometry will not affect anything, winning or losing. You don't even have to do it. It's just for science. And geometry.
Winner chosen by
Hey! Am I the first to comment? My favourite is: a circle!
Love your stuff! This give-away is very generous!
All the best!
I have to say that the triangle is a pretty solid geometric figure. It has the most structural integrity of all the geometric shapes and therefore is used in trusses all over the world. It's even used in the design of the most primitive huts and most outrageous architectural monuments known to man (i.e. - the pyramid). Not to mention all of those cool A-frame camp lodges and What-A-Burger joints from the seventies! . . . and then there's the Trinity! This is starting to sound like the basis of a School House Rock melody or some strange ode to the triangle, which reminds of Ed Grimly who played the triangle . . . I digress.
Triangle man! Triangle was the first shape that popped in to my head and I think we have TMBG to thanks for that.
I love giveaway week!
A a Trinitarian, I have to go with triangle.
I want to win.
I'm partial to circles. Your giveaway is amazing, so is your art!
Circle, yes, circle. Tho...I sometimes I could go for a square.
Hm. This shouldn't be so difficult.
I like circles.
I also like the frame where that guy's glasses are popping off his face.
holy COW! I feel so lucky, I knew ol' Xenon would bring me luck.
Thanks Cory!
ps- my fav shape is an octagon, reminds me of our great sea friend, the octopus.. well, minus the whole legs/face/sea creature thing.
Sign me up again! Woo Hoo!
I like the octagon. They call a lot of attention to themselves :)
I'll have to go with the Dharma Initiative Octagon.
Peace. - Caleb
love this week so much. Cory, you are so awesome. If there is ever a give away with Lily I am going to FREAK!
my favorite shape is easily the rhombus. Fun to say, and it's really just a mockery of the square. Those stupid, uppity squares...
I want this one! I want this one! For the love of God, I want this oneee!
I like the circle, but I really love the traingle!
I like the story about Walter's adventure!
My favorite geometric shape is the rhombus!
I prefer the circle, too.
Does a spiral count? It's definitely my favourite shape to draw...
Parallelogram! Triangles are tasty shapes hence why the mighty nacho has it but parallelograms are so delightfully... Shifty.
I am also partial to circles, but I love long vertical rectangles.
Dani loves this one, so I think you should give it to her. ;)
I'm going with rectangle. Awesome art! Great contest!
really love your work! want!
Good Day Mr. Scientist & Assistant!
I would have to say that the circle is probably my favorite - perfect in every form. Unless of course you're drawing free hand, and then they get kinda sloppy.
Thanks for the cool giveaway - good luck to every one!
The circle. It has the most sides, and therefor is superior to the rest.
I personally love simple circles. Can't describe why, just do.
Awesome work. Science and art is fun.
circles are me some circles!
I'm guessing you like the triangle because of this:
I would also have to agree with m.b. Give it to Dani. She really, really wants it. Besides, I'm still praying that something with a kid on it comes up.
Oh, and after reading "Walters" I looked him up and found out he committed suicide. That's weird cause the paramedic that saved baby Jessica from the well did the same thing. From heroic, to icon, to suicide? Fame is a deceptive little mistress.
Isoceles triangle.......2 out of 3 is sometimes the best you get.
I just like geometric patterns, be they circles or squares. Repeat 'em and I'm happy.:)
This piece is fantastic!
I seem to say that almost everytime. :)
circle ;)
I would really like to win this!!
Quadrilateral... or trapezoid... They're just fun words to say.
Fun piece too!
Vive la science!
I have to go with triangle too. I'm looking forward to the new flight!
does a sphere count? do you remember when Mr. Bopp dubbed my crappy 3-D design project "birth of an egg"?
All that to say, James had better draw my name....
This may not be considered a geometrical shape, but my favorite shape is a heart (the typical romantic symbol, not the anatomical equivalent). And it can be approximated by your standard polygon type things, so it is geometrical enough for me.
A dodecahedron. More than the shape, I like the name. Could have easily been a monster in a good fantasy.
Very cool.
My favorite shape is the tetrahedron. Besides being the simplest Platonic solid, its vertices also describe the linkages between atoms of some of the hardest natural substances known, like diamond, and quartz.
There's something lovely about a circle ... :0)
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