That's right -- an entire *week of drawing give-aways! Spread the word!
Check back every day for one new drawing that I'll give away -- all it takes to enter is a comment. Comments close at 11:59 PM EST of that day. I'll randomly choose one winner to announce the next morning when I post the next drawing.
I'm glad we've had this talk. It's something I meant to do for a while and now is the time to do it.
See you tomorrow morning for the first drawing!
*And by week I mean Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
Aah :D
Corey, love your stuff - you are an inspiration - please pick me -
very much looking forward to it.
Love your art! You're my inspiration when I feel my creative juices aren't flowing. Keep drawing! >_<
Your cat is also brilliant.
yikes...can't wait for this!!!!!! Hope I can score some sweet Cory Godbey Swag!
I still have your artwork you gave me at college. I have it in my office. I love it.
a lot.
love your lab partner! great team!!
A Haiku:
Godbey giveaway!
Monsters and kids for free. Yay!
Science can be fun.
Oh, and I just found this to add to your 80's music collection.
I recommend, "Rad" and "The Last Dragon."
Three cheers for Cory and his brilliant-ness.
this is my comment
Awesome!! Love your stuff!
smell this....no really put my finger up to your nose.....smell it.
Cool :) Have your book, a drawing would be awesome too.
One of your arts to have and to hold? O_O *INHALER* That would be the berries! Also, I applaud your brilliant assistant! Mine just sleeps and gives me condescending glares while I work...
i just wanna say that i tried for an hour to make a comment and i just now got my computer to let me sign up.
ohhh very cool - love your drawings!
Oooh great idea Cory! Sounds fun, I feel like you need a game show theme song or something.
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