I'm posting this "Trick or Treat" on behalf of the studio where I work. The above work was created by Justin Gerard, Portland Studios.
Beowulf, book one: Grendel the Ghastly is our studio's first foray into the publishing world.
Presenting Justin's vision of the world of Beowulf.
And the fantastic, fantastic site our in-house geniuses over the wall next to me made from scratch.
Pre-order the book if you love it-- release date is November 15!
Visit below to explore the book and see more artwork:
We're having an contest!
I'm told that if you enter my initials ( CG ) in the Portland Studios store and buy the Beowulf book you get 5% off the cost (and I get a point)
We're having a little in-house contest of sales. I've also heard there's going to be a prize for the most non-employee sales/contacts... I'll pass on info as I learn it.

that's bad-arse.
I have seen this image while surfing the web and I have to say it is one of the best of it's genre I have seen for a while.
Gorgeous work!
wow, neat illustration. i am very interested in buying the book. is it illustrated throughout? congrats on winning the contest, love your work!
Gorgeous work, as always. I remember having to read Beowulf in high school, and how many of my classmates were not interested in it. Their reaction may have stemmed from the fact we were reading the Old English version. :)
Did you know they've made a movie about it? Yup, saw the trailer yesterday. Comes out Nov.16th (http://www.beowulfmovie.com/) Maybe that'll hitch up y'all's sales.
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