Celebrate! I am feeling very good. I've been hard at work on my upcoming show, Grimm and Other Folk Tales. And I now have a date confirmed, April 3rd. Of course I'll make much more mention of this when we draw nearer to the actual event.
In other news one of the reasons I am (doubly) pleased and ready to celebrate is that today marks the 2-week anniversary of my debilitating shoulder surgery.
Yes, I am right handed and my surgery was on my right shoulder. The short story is I've dislocated it so many times and had so many ER visits that a (second) surgery became necessary. What's good about this you ask? Well, I'm at the 2-week mark and I'm finally back to work. I finally feel back into the swing of things. No, the pain isn't all gone, and yes there are occasional moments that make grit my teeth when I move weird, but I am working. And that's what matters to me.
What to celebrate with?
I'd like to show you another one of my 10 pieces for my show, another rough color comp. If you like you can get a small peek of the other thumbnails (and also get glimpse into my production) here.

The story is called "The Four Clever Brothers." If you like you can read it here.
The moment I chose to illustrate is the princess who has been kidnapped by a dragon and taken to an island.
* * *
I've made it through the first 6 drawings this evening, done my under-drawings. I do an "under-drawing" with a light blue pencil, figure out my drawing pretty thoroughly before I come back in and finish the drawing. It helps me to not come to a blank page to start and I try to resolve the work ahead of time and let myself enjoy the act of drawing.
Thanks for stopping by. More to come!
It's wonderful hearing about and seeing the process! Bravo! More,More, More...:)
Congrats on all your achievements! I hope your show goes smoothly and wonderfully - as I'm sure it will. :)
Wow, I really like the colors you chose on this one. The pieces for the show seem to present a whole new side of your style that I haven't seen before. Great stuff!
I really like how you did the water, it has a great quality and texture to it.
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