Kitty once again stops by as she did last year, to help us not have such boring hair at our booth. As is writ in many of the Shakespeare's most respected plays, "Purpleness doth be awesomeness; and so too a huge fricking camera."

Matt's video :
You can see some in Matt's video of SDCC of Justin and I drawing and painting. We did a few originals while sitting at the booth to kill time. I decided to do some gnomes.

This gnome I gave to Matt on account of him being the best. Around.
I wish I could have gone to comic con this year. There were so many people I wanted to meet.
Oh, right. Show me a bunch of photos of the cool stuff I was missing. *attempts to fake sulky look*
Thanks for bringing that line from Shakespeare to my attention, though. I plan to quote it frequently.
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