Several months ago, I was asked by a top member of the WiiWare release development team to create a piece based on the game. I decided to do two, an iconic "hero" piece and a recreation of a moment from the game.

The above piece is a recreation of this moment from the game :

As I understand it, they have been printed on canvases and will be sent out to "editors of the media."
Truthfully I had never played Cave Story before but I am very much looking forward to the WiiWare release :
I was recently interviewed over on the publisher's site about the work. Enjoy!

Cave Story is pure awesome if only for the wonderful plot, which changes quite a bit depending on the decisions you make at crucial junctions.
Great Cave Story art! Cave Story is my favorite game of all time and I'm glad to see it getting the proper attention finally! I was wondering what you used to create these pieces? Is it pure watercolor or is there some digital mixed in?
Cory, how do you paint these clouds so realistic? I guess you use white gouache by its opacity (higher than the watercolor), but do you mix with black gouache or watercolor?
I'm very intrigued :D
As always, Cory, your work is amazing! I love your nightscapes--so vibrant.
I'm sorry, I realize that you just had a post explaining some of your methods in making your art pieces-but every time I look at those two drawings I find myself wondering how much is digital and how much is traditional. Would you mind explaining how you take a traditionally done piece and push it even further digitally? If you have a post like that already, I apologize.
Those clouds blew me right out of the water.
Hey everyone, thanks!
To those specifically asking about the clouds and traditional/digital work ratio, here are two posts that show the original verses the completed digital finish.
So to Caliber9, yes these two pieces more or less follow the production of the above two links. I don't think I still have any layered files of them but the watercolors look like the original pieces in the above links.
Daniel Belchí, I paint usually with a mix of white gouache, Prussian Blue watercolor, and some brown watercolor, usually Burnt Umber. Raw Sienna if I don't have any BU on hand. It's just figuring out the amount of water/gouache/watercolor and working some wet-into-wet, and waiting til some is dry, more water, more paint, it's a pretty organic process.
The video is awesome, love the interaction between the characters and the music of the background.
Hi, listen, I'm pretty new on this blogosphere and Internet thing, so I don't know if there's a sort of "subscription" method that I can use in order to receive notifications of your new entries...? Thing is I enjoy reading your blog a lot and I'd like to be up to date with your posts!
This is very good, excellent graphics, I would love to create my own game.
The Cave Story has an interesting storyline. But the interface and the game looks old. It is still a pretty fun game though.
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