I do my dead level best to stick our one cat, James in any work I do. Heck, remember my week-long blog giveaway? James showed up every single day. For science. When he's not doing blog give-aways, he usually sleeps in whatever chair in my office that I'm not in. We have three cats (2 indoor only, 1 outdoor only) but James is by far the most interesting looking one. He oscillates between looking really stupid and sort of almost endearing. Some day I'll put together a compilation post of all James in printed works. There's quite a lot. Until then, please enjoy the final drawing for "The Cheshire (James)"
Next post, Monday : "Your hair wants cutting."
I throw my cat, Timmy into literally EVERYTHING I do. He's even sitting on my head in my blogger icon...I love having a little animal (well in my case, big) comrade while I work. Maybe Timmy and James could team up on a giveaway, hehe.
Great illustration too by the way! :)
Your cat is gorgeous. And this work is AMAZING! The detail and flow of the leaves is just lovely. I love the flow of the lines to the tree trunk and the angle of the tree. The light trees in the background are also a great touch.
When ever I need a shot of inspiration I just click on your blog - scroll down a bit and BOOM - I'm ready to go back to my work again. Your stuff is great man!
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