Sunday, April 30, 2006


The finished idea. I started painting around 6 PM Sunday evening and somewhere along the way noticed that the sun was rising on a new Monday. I left work at 9 AM and slept til around 3 PM when I heard the cat throwing up. 15 hours in one stretch. Working, not the cat throwing up.

I stopped for once or twice to drink some Texas Pete (my secret weapon) and kept going.

* * *done. i think.
* * *

emissary of the Hero
* * *

I think he looks more surprised. And more dead.
* * *
oh silly goliath...
* * *
The philistines were clean shaven? Oh well.
Expect updates all night.

Tiny Man of the Tide Pools [edit]

A bizarre photo taken near Savannah, GA some time ago.

for esther:

Friday, April 28, 2006

Illustration Friday: "Under the Sea"

Landon Snow and the Island of Arcanum

Here's a cover painting for the third book in the popular Landon Snow series by R.K. Mortenson, published by Barbour Publishing, Inc. Cover design is by Kirk DouPonce.

I know there's sea farin' adventure in the book, whether it's "under the sea" is debatable, but oh well.

The book's coming out in October 2006, and the publisher has put it up on, so I figured it'd be fine to show it here. Here are links to my posts for when the first two books, Landon Snow and the Auctor's Riddle and Landon Snow and the Shadows of Malus Quidam, came out.

Book One:
Landon Snow and the Auctor's Riddle
Book Two:
Landon Snow and the Shadows of Malus Quidam
Arrived (this one has a link to a sneak peek of the process of creating the interior illustrations)

Each book has a full color painting on the cover and pencil illustrated chapter openers.

I'm in the middle of reading the second book right now (Landon Snow and the Shadows of Malus Quidam) and find it to be terrifying. The shadows that Landon and his sister Holly encounter really do feel menacing. See, I don't get the full text when I illustrate the book, just descriptions, so to finally read it is fun.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Christmas in April?

Not really. But sort of, for you reading this. This is the sans-text/logo version of the Christmas card for the Upstate Alliance of South Carolina that I did for the past Christmas.

I saw it sitting around and thought I'd put it here.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Jack, A.W.G, & The Doctor

Jack --the boy

A.W.G. --the old man of the mines

Arthur Loveless --The Good Doctor

Three central figures in my story metioned here.
(...Minus the goblin thing at the top. That has nothing to do with the story.)

More to come.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Illustration Friday: "Robot"

For Robo I & II as well as some robot appropriate music, click here.

Here's a robot titled Robo III that I posted not too long ago, and since I don't have anything new and this is a robot and I'm here and you're here and we're all here, I thought, oh fine. Why don't I just. So I did.

Oh and here's another everybody's seen I'm sure. But it's a robot so what are you going to do?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Bicycle Thief

Chris sent this link to me today. Oh man. It's funny. He found it on the blog of Josh, Nathan, and Frank at The Plundering. Click on the title above.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Poor, poor Haja... and her 15 Million dollars...

Every once in a while, I'll check and see what my junk mail filter has blocked. Most of it's silly and inconsequential things but sometimes it's pretty funny. Take, for example, the tragic story of poor Haja. And her 15 Million Dollars. And to think she'd even give me 10%.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

What's going on here...

Here's a pretty thing; it's not finished, but I like it and so I put it here.

The last week or so has been full of my white chair, spagetti, an old card table, a lot of 4 AMs, a borrowed laptop, and the pounding out the manuscript for the yet untitled story of this boy and this dragon and this owner of the factory.

More to come.

Thursday, April 06, 2006