Here's a very small detail of a cover for a book [that is not to be named yet but will be out October 2006] and I have only just finished the painting this morning.

Things have been nuts around here. There was a bad ice storm that shut down Greenville for a few days. My mom and sister were out of power for 5 days straight. Somehow my roomate and I managed to keep power the entire time. So, I dragged my Mac over to the place and set up shop there. It was like old times.
I had a set up in the basement of my mom's house that was perfect and I've only ever come not really close to capturing it again. You know.... I think I can find a picture of it. Hold on.
Here it is. The best set up anyone ever wanted to look at.

(circa, junior or senior year of college)
I would sit in the lawnchair thing and watch [mostly listen to] Raiders of the Lost Ark or whatever and just go. Man.
And here's the drawing I was working on in the last picture...