Here's one of the more different (more different?) pages from
Ticket. It has since been painted.
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I got locked out of the office a couple months ago. I left my keys on my desk and wandered downstairs to get some soup and when I came back everyone had gone. And locked the door.
I went back into the store, bought a pad of paper and a pen and sat down by the door. While I sat squinting in the reflected sun off the white paper I made a list of everything I like to draw. This was right around the time I found out that I'd be doing a "zine" and was putting together ideas for it. Would it be one of older stories? Should I try to adapt some more "established" story of mine? Or should I try to make up something new. I decided to take an "established" character, Lily von Silvie Lenore, and write a new story around her. I liked the idea and began scrawling down ideas.
Oh, and eventually an intern arrived with a key.
I was able to fit about half of the list into
Ticket. We'll see if we get a sequel.
In any case I could not be more pleased with the way this project has shaped up and I can't wait to see it printed.