Monday, October 31, 2011


Over the last year or so I've worked on a project for a couple of really great guys who work in the British film industry, one is a producer, the other is an editor.

It's been a great experience and I love that I've gotten the chance to help them bring it to life. They're starting to release some of the work. Here's a look at some of it.

 Above. Some of my work from the Prologue section of the book.

Below. Some of the actual pages and panels of the graphic novel.

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You can find out more about them over on their Facebook page. Also, you can see a little more of the work I've done for them over there as well.

And you can also check out their main website, Reality in Dreams and see some of the other projects they have going on (and maybe find some more of my work hidden in there!)

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Alex and Greg have been some of the best people I've ever gotten the chance to work with and I look forward to many more projects together!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

sign & doodle

I sign and doodle on the title page of each copy of The Hidden People. Each is unique though each is usually some variation of one of the tree people, some old tree man. He's quick to draw and I have fun.

I particularly enjoyed a couple with my last order and took some pictures.


You can pick up The Hidden People from my shop.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Breath of Embers

My humble dragons are in some mighty company at the new Gallery Nucleus (@gallerynucleus) group show, Breath of Embers: Art of Dragons.

How I wish I could get out there are see this show! Nucleus always puts together the best shows and I'm so pleased to have been able to join in again. (Huge thanks to Wade!)

Here are my three pieces in the show.


I regret that due to projects and scheduling I wasn't able to complete the new pieces I had planned for the show. At some point I'll bring them to life but there's just too much on plate at the moment.

Friday, October 07, 2011

Fraggle Rock giveaway!

[Update] Ok! The giveaway is won, congratulations Ryan!

Above. The pen and colored pencil doodle I have made for one lucky winner.

Ok! Fraggle giveaway time! 

To enter the contest to win this autographed, doodled hardcover edition of Fraggle Rock Vol. 2 simply comment on this post! For fun you can comment with your favorite Jim Henson character.

I'll only be counting the comments placed on this post (not Twitter or Facebook).

Commenting will be open all weekend so hopefully anyone that would want to will be able to enter. I'll cut off the comments Monday morning. I'll then randomly select and announce the winner.

Thanks everyone, have fun!

To see a collection of blog posts detailing my experience with Fraggle Rock click here.

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Special thanks to Archaia, Tim Beedle, and Joe LeFavi!

Wednesday, October 05, 2011


Hey you guys remember when I got to do a Fraggle story? You can find the collection of posts detailing my experience here.

Well, I was recently sent some copies of the book, the very nice hard cover edition, and I decided to do a giveaway!

This FRIDAY (I'll do another post actually on Friday, early Friday morning.) I'll be giving away an autographed, Fraggle doodled hardcover edition of Fraggle Rock Vol 2.

Don't bother commenting now (unless you just can't help it) because I'll only be counting the comments actually placed on the giveaway post going up Friday.

Commenting will be open all weekend so hopefully anyone that would want to will be able to enter. I'll cut off the comments Monday morning and announce the winner!

Aw yeah, Fraggles!

Monday, October 03, 2011

One Quarter Ninja

Recently I got the chance to work on a really cool iPad book called One Quarter Ninja (@1quarterninja)

I've gotten permission to post some of the art and I'll do that over the coming days. Most of the work I'll show however will be nearer to the app's release so you can be sure you'll be hearing about OQN again.

Here's a look at one of the more dynamic shots of the "one quarter ninja" himself.



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Since this is for an iPad book, most every element in the collection of work is layered. My experience with the animated projects I've gotten to do has been invaluable in learning how to work not only layered but quickly and not sacrifice any of the quality.

This was a super fun project to do since one of my biggest thrills as a draw-er is getting to do figure work. For the most part I'd rather draw people (or creatures) and organic things over industrial objects any day. I got to do many, many poses of the ninja who is simply a dark, knocked out figure on a white background so there's no hiding imperfections in the drawing or anatomy. The silhouette is what's most important.

I loved the chance to bring this book to life in this way and I can't wait for you to see the finished product.