Thursday, September 26, 2013


I've had this blog longer than Erin and I have been married. I began it in 2005 post-college. It's been around for every major event, professional and personal.

At long last I've got a new site and a brand new blog.

Thanks for all the good times, this blog.

You know what, I should do a final series of posts, a collection of all the best posts on this thing as a proper send off.

Next week.

Monday, September 02, 2013

TLC Workshop recap!

Behold! At long last a TLC Workshops wrap up.

The wonderful Tara Chang invited Justin and me to teach an illustration workshop back at the end of August. We ventured forth unto the lands called Seattle and crafted many drawings (and some paintings things).

From Justin,
Last week Cory GodbeyIain Mccaig and I did a workshop in Seattle for TLC Workshops.  It was absolutely fantastic.  There was action, romance, drama, pencil drawing and Iain did real-life, actual magic tricks in front of everyone. It was a great experience and if you are wondering if I would recommend that you go to one, then yes. Yes I do.  
Here follows my attempt to chronicle our exploits and convince you that yes, this was actually the best.

Don't worry, we are professionals!
Digital demo!
Left. Jedi Knight and friend of Capt. Solo, Iain McCaig.
Flaming death! I mean, Justin painting things.
Iain making magic tricks.
Don't mind me, looking a little rough on the third day of class.
A nice picture.
Another nice picture. 

* * * 

I worked on Alice and the Caterpillar for my piece. Here's a look at the progress.


Digital rough.

As you can see, I turned Alice around and had her creep from underneath the mushroom because my digital rough was beyond boring having her facing away from the viewer.

Finished drawing.

WIP, Alice.

WIP, Caterpillar.

I have yet to complete it but you can be sure I'll post it here when I do. The main thing was demoing my process.

You can find many more pictures as well as the attendees projects at the TLC Workshops blog.

* * * 

This whole experience was some of the most fun I'd ever had and I certainly hope we get to wreck Seattle once again sometime.