An original gnome watercolor, the very LAST available Princesses, Monsters, and things that fly (Sketchbook 2009), and ticket : mini-prints edition

Two prints! My two favorite ones, Siegfried and Brünnhilde and The Fairy Queen.
One set of ticket : mini-prints edition
All you need to do to for a chance to win is leave a comment.
For fun, you can tell me your favorite animal. Mine is probably my cat and lab partner, James.
Remember! -- You must comment on this post for a chance to win this drawing.
* * *
Comments for this drawing close at 11:59 PM EST
If you're seeing this on Facebook, you'll need to visit my original post to comment. I'll only be counting the comments from my blog.
*Your choice of animal will not affect anything, winning or losing. You don't even have to do it. It's just for science.
Winner chosen by
Count me in! I have a cat sidekick too named Sally.
I never cease to be amazed and taken back by your work. Your pieces from etsy look great in our living room.
OMG OMG! Everything is sooo nice! I hope I win! I love your artwork and I need some pretty things for my new house ^^
this would be grand, cory. you are the man.
PS...i love quail.
Love it! So beautiful!
Sweet! Love your stuff Cory! Count me and my favorite duck-billed platypus in on this one!!!!
totally awesome! Love the watercolor :) It's beauteous.
Giraffes... the aliens among us :).
Hullo Mr. James,
My favorite kind of animal is the bird. Any kind really. I'm sure you would appreciate that, since you are a cat. But I like cats as well and have a cat who is very athletic, and can do karate.
Good luck on this last giveaway everyone!! This has been fun!
Why, the Horse of course!
Great work, great posts, fun give-a-ways… thanks so much!
Wow! Beautiful work Mr. Godbey - What a great give-away! Favorite animal.... hmmm.... that would be a large dog.... or perhaps a hawk.
Love your work... I love Elephants.
oh my goodness! i have my fingers crossed...any of these would be a treasure!
let's see...animals. hmm...i do have a thing for white tigers.
This is the grandest of givies!
I love hedgehogs. They feel like a brush and love gold coins...
favorite animal in the world is my little white chihuahua.he was my little baby before my everett was live nico!
ahhhh GREAT PRIZES!!! Count me in!
Ahhh!!!! Oh my oh my oh my... I really hope I win!
favorite animal... whatever kind of animal the cheat is...there should be more the cheat's out there...
i would be jazzed to own any of these, cory.
Awesome, indeed!
I'm quite partial to gorillas. :)
Hi Cory, this is great! I hope you do this again sometime. : )
And once more for the... uhm... sake of once more.
I would love to win, but regardless this has been a lot of fun!
Sign me up, Cory.
You would think I'd say birds are my fave...but no.
Timmy, My cat.
He's my spirit animal. He follows me everywhere :)
Chemeleon :D
Dear Lab Partner:
Please put a good word in for me with your boss. Or rig the random selection process. There just might be some cat nip in it for you. ;)
I'd have to say my favorite animal is my dog Grover (named for the muppet, not the president) and he is terrible at landings.
I need another drawing to enhance my white walls. I like this gnome. Gnomes are my favorite animals.
Oooo, pick me! Pick me!
Thanks to you and James for a fun week! Let's hear it for science!
Favorite domestic animal has to be a cat, but I've always wanted a Zeep (from "One Fish Two Fish"- Seuss).
My favourite kind of animal is owl. Drawing them is fun. I also like cats.
So its finger crossed now!
You`ve made this week very special.Thanks!
How could I resist this one? You know our love of gnomes. :)
Sloths are definitely my favorite. So cute!
!!!!! My favorite fake animal is a charmander; gotta love those pocket monsters! My favorite real animal is a gerbil; they are small, cute jumpers and don't give me allergies! :#D
Oh, Cory, I'll love you if I get one of those fantastic prizes! :D
Anyway, my favorite animal is my beautiful cat Bolacha. She is the queen!
Wolves are pretty cool.
My two cats, Mochi & Kitsune!
Great prizes!
Great pictures!!
Sweet! Any one of these prizes looks great! My favorite animal would have to be the ever elusive flying monkey. ...wait, that's a real animal, right?
My favorite animal is any animal I can train to bring me a drink from the fridge.
I never win things but wouldnt that look awesome next to my annalisa paintings?!?!??!
clearly my favorite animal is my cat, Jasper the Hutt.
I was waiting for the big one. As for animal, I'm going to have to go with the Jersey cow.
Sweetness! I have a mouse named Moose!
hi cory!
mi favourite animal is the liger hahaha
Hey Cory,
Loving the work as always.
My favorite individual (non-human) animal is mah dawg Astro but as a species, I dunno, maybe the sugar glider or the orangutan.
I love your work! My favorite animal is the tamarin monkey:)
Great prizes! My favorite animal?
A humpback whale, though I think my neighbors would complain if I brought one home.
Great stuff Cory!
My favorite animal is my tiny dog, Emery.
It's got to be very humbling to realize that a lot of your fans look up to you much like the way you look up to Maurice Sendak. Thank you for being so generous.
My favorite animal is Animal(woman! woman! woman!)
I'm a big fan of talking animals.
What, don't your animals talk...?
Giraffes are cool.
Wow! You've been incredibly generous all along, but you've outdone yourself on this one. Favorite animal?
Cats are cool and so are humans, and I usually enjoy the company of either species, but I did see a herd of cows chasing off a coyote today. I had no idea cows could be so proactive. So for today, I say cows are my favorite animals.
My favorite animial is a red fox
What a great deal and such fun too! Thanks so much! I love dogs b/c they are so devoted.
Anita W.
Favorite animal? Whatever one I see out my window at the moment...right now, hummingbird!
wow! big things are happening when I'm away :) my favourite animal is the elephant or the dolphin!! :)
I love giraffes...they are my favorite animal to draw. They are every bit as gangly and awkward as I am.
I have room on my walls for this brilliance, yes please!
Bruin, favorite animal.
Tiger. You don't get more striking or more intense.
probably my cat, Sir Edmond. But I like tigers and polar bears too.
Amazing. Probably a pink rattlesnake.
I would love to win! Keep up your facinating blog.
I love cats too...but I also love pugs especially when they snort...and then there are elephants...I have too many favourite animals!
Grand, ultimate prizes indeed! I must say I'm rather partial to octopi.
Yes please! - MY favorite animal is koala - Love your work, cory - please sir, pick me -
Cats. I have two: Zoe and Mia.
Okay, so favorite animal... I'd have to say my labrador/beagle mix, Cheyenne. I love that dog. :)
I also love your work Corey! Awesome stuff!
Reepicheep the Couragous
My favorite animal is the Wormy, the Pooflesaurusrex, AKA the World's Greatest Archeological treasure.
Holy cow, I'm in love with your gnome. I've had a thing for gnomes my entire life. All your art work is amazing.
My favorite animal is the lemur.
Cats-definitely. And not just because I really want your gnome (which I do, actually). Love your work, Corey! Miss those great days at BJ where I could escape in the art building :)
Gnome Gnome n-nome GNOME n-gnome n-gnome n-gnome. (think Vader's Theme Star Wars)
And my favorite animal is a Liger...bred for it's skills in magic.
I'm going to have to fall in line and go with cats, because of the way they smile. And not mean cats. Mean cats are definitely not my favorite animal. Only the cuddly ones.
Oh my, that's some cool swag. I can't not place a comment here. As for favourite animals, in an abstract sense I do like foxes a lot, but in very concrete and specific terms it would have to be my fat cat Scone.
Cats are my favorite! I have had about 20 cats in my life, all with different personalities; my very favorite cat being Shasta! :o)
Kat T.
Yes please. I also love both the fairy print and the Siegfried and Brünnhilde print. Some of my faves from you
Blerg! My dog is amazing! CHARWIE-BEAR.
Totally my cat: Sgt. Pepper.
Dragons with gold, ruby, sapphire, or jade colored scales!!!! :D
Lovely work. I like monkeys.
Dogs, of course.
A bit needy at times but the ultimate listener when you need one.
raptors and killer whales rule.
although i really wish i have a better chance in winning these awesome prints.. fingers crossed
I've been feeling lately like Jellyfish are just really beautiful. So I'm going with that one.
Thanks for continuing to inspire and delight so many of us.
Today it is the hedgehog.
I'd have to say dogs- particularly cocker spaniels. My chocolate Scout is actually my first child.
You do great work, Corey! Never seen your work before but it's very cool.
Thanks a lot for the giveaway!
My fav is the cat! Any cat - from dearly departed Harry, Batgirl and China to still alive Tibet!
Yay for cats!
Thanks for the fun science all week!
My favorite animal is a liger.
cats get an unjust bad-rap. I like them! Ocelots are fabulous...
Love the gnome!
Bengal Tiger.
Love your fire illustrations.
My favorite animal has to be the bottlenose dolphin (tursiops truncatis). Considered one of the most intelligent animals. They would ride the bow wave of my submarine when we were running on the surface.
Woo... sneaking in here...
I like otters :)
My dog named Moose.
This is fantastic Cory. Thanks!
Cory, how I would long for such a prize.
Your biggest fan,
Who wouldn't have elephants as their favorite animals!
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