Friday, September 01, 2006

Illustration Friday: "Safe"

Alexander & Rex
I'd feel safe.


CJ Yan said...

Great:D Best guard ever~

Anonymous said...

I would feel safe with Rex as my friend!!
Very nice illo.

Anonymous said...

I love your safety monster. He has such a solemn look on his face.

cici artist said...

Great work! I wish I had one..and I'd feel safe too!

Ellen said...

OMG! This is beautiful work! I am truly in awe!! Seriously, great job!!

Peter Pen said...

safe as a safeguard can be! wonderful composition

steve said...

With Alexander as my guard, I'd be a safe lil' dinosaur too ! Even though Alex is kinda short and bearded and has a weird orangey glow to him...


Anonymous said...

i love this

Unknown said...

I love the face!!

Ouissi x

valerie walsh said...

i love this! i also love your avatar with you and your bride!

Blake Himsl Hunter said...

very nice! I love the form shown on the dragon.

Michelle said...

I'd feel safe too! Can we invite him over for dinner sometime! What an imagination you have! Amazing!

Elisabeth said...

Wonderful! Such an unusual looking dragon (?) too. Nice style.

A said...

wonderful fine arts!!

Rita illustration said...

So would I! Very nice work.

Anonymous said...

what a great illustration and a very awesome style!

Abigail said...

Great character!

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

What a great scene! There seems to be a lot of story here. Well done.

Aku said...

rex has nice expression..

Liz Jones said...

Me too!

georg said...

Who are you - the little brown rex or the big purpur-monster?

Nice image

Michelle Lana said...

aww....very cute! great character

Unknown said...

completely! what a great friend to have :)

TheTart said...

So sweet!

The Tart
; )

Ps. I love your avatar. Did you get married?

Anonymous said...

Captivating. I have to ask, is rex a characature of anyone?... the face looks very personable. Love it all the way around.


cute and wonderful work!

Cory Godbey said...

Rex is Rex. He's no one else that I can think of anyway. Maybe but I don't know.

Doug said...

what can I say? another fantastic illustration from you... i envy your digital skills!

Joanne said...

So awesome. I love everything about this.

Kay Aker said...

What an extraordinary creature!

LDahl said...

I really love visiting your blog, The Watchman and the Pumpkin Wife...such fun! Now I'm off to visit your sister Courtney. Thanks for posting all these great things!