Thursday, September 20, 2007

Illustration Friday: "Juggle"

Juggling home and work life has never been easy for this pig.
Between acting like a sullen cry-baby and working at Starbucks, life is tough.


renato lopes said...

Congratulations. Very cool!!

Katherine S said...


Designing Fairy said...

beautiful work; is that a pig Ipod?

Anonymous said...

Fantastic work. Particularly like 'Hammstein' =P

countrygarden said...

funny comments. i love his expression, feeling very sorry for himself. really nice drawing

Valeriannah said...

Heee heee too funny!

Willie Baronet said...

Yes it is, and he is doing a good job. Go Pig go! ;-)

Unknown said...

wonderful drawing!

thefridayfrog said...

hammestein! HA! really nice illio! love his mohawk...spikkkkey!!!