Monday, January 18, 2010


The first day of my drawing give-away! What better way to start things off than with a drawing of Boba Fett!

All you need to do to win this drawing is leave a comment.

For fun, you can tell me your favorite element in your comment. My is Ba, Barium.

Remember! -- You must comment on this post to win this drawing.

I'll randomly select a winner and announce the winner tomorrow morning with Tuesday's drawing.

* * *

Comments for this drawing will close at 11:59 PM EST

Again, if you're seeing this on Facebook, you'll need to visit my original post to comment. I'll only be counting the comments from my blog.

*Your choice of element will not affect anything, winning or losing. You don't even have to do it. It's just for science.


D3stiny_Sm4sher said...

Well, I do admit, it's interesting how he kind of fades away into a ghost.

Johnny McKenna said...

wow, Is it possible to win every day? because I wouldn't mind that at all.

my favorite element is easily Kr - Krypton

When I first saw that on the elements I thought that it was the real green stuff that stopped superman.

Dani said...

My favorite element is Cg - corygodbium.

Pirate Trish said...

My favorite element is carbon because it is just so darn useful <3

really nice boba fett +_(|=}

Anonymous said...

I had talent once. I think I lost it. Now I am going to say "that sucks" just to feel big.

Also, my favorite element is Dysprosium, as it is used to make lasers.

Rinry said...

It's so nice of you to do this ^^

Jeffrey Lebowski said...

Awesome giveaway.

Oxygen all the way.

Keith Zoo said...

BOBA! Man this guy was so much cooler in the original Star Wars, before you see him as a whiney clone/non clone son thing.

-anywho, nice drawing man!

also. dude, check out this seriously cool boba.

my fav. element is Xe Xenon, looks cool AND makes your voice deep.


Jordie Bellaire said...

Big fan of As-Arsenic but only because it made such a name for itself with old ladies.

Liz said...

So cool, I love it Cory, David would too!

Heather said...

I am commenting! HAHA!

insigne said...

Ununoctium 'Cuz I've never heard of it till today.

Mom25Munchkins said...

Cool! I'm commenting. and I'm a big fan of Oxygen!:)

Nicole said...

I'll go with Ag - Silver.

Great contest prize...beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Boba Fett is one of the more enigmatic SW characters.

My vote for favorite element is Elerium-115 (El-115), currently known as Ununpentium on the periodic table. It was the base element for alien space drives in the old X-Com series of games.

Maria said...

Ooo I agree Terry... Boba Fett... small, but vital character to the story.

And my favorite element was always Lead (Pb) because Pb doesn't relate to the word lead at all.

Or Magnesium (Mg), because I'm pretty sure that was what Mr. Harmon caught on fire, requiring us to evacuate the Hutto Building.

Chad said...

Hubba-Bubba-Boba Fett Bubble Gum! How's that for a new product. Would be a wierd image to see Boba Fett blowing a bubble!

SD Smith said...

Count me in. Fe: Ferrum, or Iron.

Mel said...

At risk of revealing myself as a complete nerd, my favorite element is Strontium, because it burns a beautiful magenta in the flame atomic absorption analyzer. I like saying Gadolinium, and Neodymium, because they are fun words.

Mike Boldt said...

This is going to be a fantastic week!

netterkins said...

so i'm gonna go ahead and admit that i don't remember anything from the periodic table except that it's really colorful. (my dad is mumbling something about my education)

David Miles said...

K Potassium for me... mmm.. bananas!

Sweet sketch!

Anonymous said...

Es for einsteinium...

Stephen Moorehead said...

C- Carbon
And the pic of Boba Fett is a great carbon rendering don't you think so R2D2?

The Watcher said...

Thanks for the contest. My favorite element is Osmium (OS) mostly due to the hilarious SNL sketch with phil hartman and jon lovitz. A close second though is magnesium due to a high school science experiment where we got to burn some.

staralfur said...


JGaroutte said...

Sweet Sketch! My favorite element is the way you drew that antennae!

Oh, wait... you meant scientific--in that case, my favorite element is any of them that I don't have to think about...

jesiathe said...

i bet he would look really good on a wall in australia...

i like Fr- Francium.
the period table got explained to me in a video describing all the elements at a dance, and how they partnered up based on their atomic number.
francium just seems like she would have a hard time finding a partner.

Caleb said...

I mean, when it comes down to it, I wouldn't want to me Tellurium in a dark alley...

Jonah Garoutte said...

Sweet! Boba Fett!!!! I love me some Boba Fett! I also love me some "O"... oxygen is everywhere, man!!!

melinda beavers said...

I just think your work rocks - and rocks are made from many elements. ~

Vikings... Mean Ones. said...

Na: Sodium - Cause it's tricky.

Gwendolyn said...

Boba Fett? Boba Fett??? WHERE??

Anyway, I like lead because the letters are Pb which stand for the latin word "plumbum". I just think it's a hilarious word...

laurghita said...

Boba Fett ? No feet in drawing that's why misspelled Fett.

Anonymous said...

My favorite element is Cs - Caesium!

Morgan said...

My favorite element is mercury (Hg). The only metal that is liquid at room temperature.

Lisa Worsham said...

I want your light night rain drawing! It's great. Oh and how about good old hydrogen.

Unknown said...

Boba 4 Life! What a nice piece.

little plastic dinosaurs said...

Nice work!

My favourite element is Sr - Strontium just because it always sounded like the best way to describe that strutty glam rock dancing that David Bowie and Mick Jagger used to do, as in "you should have seen Ziggy's strontium, that kid throws serious moves!"

Unknown said...

My favourite element would be Fe, iron, because it always reminds me of Ferro Lad and the first Legion Of Super-Heroes comics I read as a kid... ;)

thomas said...

beautiful sketch!

my favorite element is neon, NE ;)

Andy said...

seriously? no one likes gold?

Nat said...

He He, Helium. Ive always found it funny.

Rick said...

Great Scott, I'm going with Plutonium! This sucker's electrical. But I need a nuclear reaction to generate the 1.21 gigawatts of electricity I need to win this thing.

ND said...

shout out to Han in C #6 in all my boys in lockdown at Jabba's.

Kerry Parker said...

Great sketch.

Lets see if the force is with me today.