Last night our cat Kitty was killed by four dogs. At about 2AM we heard scuffling and barking outside our kitchen door. By the time we got there they had dragged her into the street. Just four random dogs loose in our neighborhood.
Kitty was the best. She was there every time I went outside. She never left the porch, she was always there. She followed me around whenever I worked in my garden. She would literally walk me across the street like a seeing-eye-cat over to my friend's house and she'd wait there for me and walk me back.

I don't mean to bring down the tone of your day, I just miss Kitty. She was the best.
Hey Cory, I'm sorry about, Kitty. I know what its like to lose a great cat.
I am so so sad to hear about Kitty! :( She was our favorite and we'll miss her too.
ah man. Sorry about that. Passing of a pet is a hard thing indeed...
Cory, that's awful. Nobody should go through that and nobody's cat especially. You're in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry for your loss.
I'm so sorry, it happen to my mom's cat too last month, there's 3 dogs. It really make me sad. Hope you'll feel better soon..
... ou man, that's the worst ... why are dogs like that ...
I'm so sorry for your loss!
Man, that pisses me off, to hear what happened! I'm so sad and mad for you, Cory. Thanks for sharing about how great your kitty was. How terrible that those people let there dogs run free to destroy others' pets. I hope you can get some recourse or something, to maybe at least keep it from happening to someone else's cat. Again, I'm really sorry.
From one felinophile to another, allow to offer my sincere condolences.
That's terrible to hear, Cory. So sorry. We're cat-lovers here, so our thoughts & prayers are with you.
I'm so very sorry for Kitty and for your loss. Anyone who has ever had a beloved feline friend knows how much it hurts to lose one. Take care. . .
You have my condolences, Cory. I'm so sorry for your loss, I hope you know it's not your fault & I'm sure Kitty had a good life with you.
I am so sorry for your loss. It is hard to loose a great furry friend.
How horrible, I'm so sorry.
Just Awful. I lost my kitty of 6 years to what sounded like a coyote grab and run. I heard her shriek once through the window and that was all - vanished without a trace. I am less angry though, at my kitty being a part of the food chain than yours being sport for loose dogs. Bad dogs, bad owners.
Sorry for your loss. I wasn't able to really process my missing kitty until I posted some photos and words in her memory. She was a very good kitty.
That is heartbreaking. Sorry about your loss. How very sad. :[
How terrible! So sorry for your loss :( I know what it's like to lose a beloved cat - I still miss mine after many years.
Hi Cory (and Erin),
I'm so sorry about Kitty. I know how much they mean to us... I have lost a few kitty friends in the past and it is pretty hard. God knows best though...
you should realy call the police or animal control on that one Cory, those dogs need caught, next time it could be some ones child.
It happend up here in Alaska a while back, savage dogs running loose is no joke. Where I grew up, in Montana, those dogs would be running around for about 1 day befor someone would shoot them.
So sorry to hear about your loss, I have had an out side cat meet a trajic end as well, and I understand.
Cory, I'm so sorry you lost your friend. Kitty no doubt had a wonderful life with you.
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