Hard for me to express the satisfaction and excitement I felt when I saw my name on the Spectrum 18 list. I've entered the annual the last five years but never made it. I saw the list was posted and clicked over not thinking one way or the other when BAM! what did I see but my name on the list. So excited.
A huge thanks to the judges this year,

And be sure to check out Greg Manchess' post about the process and what goes on during the Spectrum judging here.

The Gryphon.
I'm pretty stoked for you, Cory! Congrats! It's very well deserved :D
Thanks man!
I'm so excited for you! I love your "Alice" pieces, and I was thrilled to see so many wonderful artists included in this issue with me. This is gonna be a great one :)
I have to say that they are great artists because just look the final work I was so delighted seeing something like that, please try to put in here more of their projects.
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