Monday, January 30, 2012


Last week I was invited by the United Nations Holocaust Outreach Programme to speak at the UN about my work on the animated portions of the upcoming documentary film The Last Flight of Petr Ginz. It's an amazing story of a young, brilliant Holocaust victim.

I'll be posting more about our trip on my regular M/W/F schedule.

* * *

Here is a new trailer for the documentary.

And here is a trailer specifically for the animated portion.

Through out the feature length documentary three different kinds of animation are interspersed. One, original animation (most notably the outer space sequences.) Two, Petr's painting and drawings. And finally, different moments in Petr's life.

For this project I took the script and story-boarded the animation sequences. I oversaw the art direction of this portion of the film as well as created all of the art for animation and prepared many of Petr Ginz's original works to be animated. Danny McNight then took the work and animated it with Adobe After Effects.

About the Film:

By 14 Petr Ginz had written five novels and penned a diary about the Nazi occupation of Prague. By 16 he had produced 120 drawings and paintings, edited an underground magazine in the Theresienstadt Ghetto, written numerous short stories and had walked to the gas chamber at Auschwitz.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Entries for Spectrum are due today! Did you get yours out in time?

Here's a look at what I entered.

The Hidden People.

Series entry. Unpublished. The five colored pieces from The Hidden People.

Prints available from my shop.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The UN Holocaust Outreach Programme

This evening is the special screening of The Last Flight of Petr Ginz at the United Nations.

 The UN's Holocaust Programme will screen a new animated documentary film on the life and artwork of Petr Ginz, a Jewish boy from Prague who perished in the Holocaust at the age of 16, after spending two years in Terezin.  He was a brilliant child who wrote a diary, four novels and created 200 illustrations and paintings during his short life.

The screening will be held in partnership with the Documentary Film Program at Wake Forest University and the Documentary Institute at the University of Florida. A panel discussion with the filmmakers and Mr. Leo Lowy, a Holocaust survivor, will follow.

Film Screening and Panel Discussion of “The Last Flight of Petr Ginz”  
Venue: Conference Room 1, Temporary North Lawn Building (UNHQ)
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Contact: or online registration

* * *  
... ...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Bleeding Cool: Labyrinth pages

Well! It looks as if @Archaia has released a couple pages from my upcoming Free Comic Book Day Labyrinth story "Hoggle and the Worm" (written by Ted Naifeh & Adrianne Ambrose) through cool website Bleeding Cool.

Presented here for your enjoyment are those couple pages. I'm really pleased to finally be able to point you guys to something solid about the project. And you can get a little look at how I handled Hoggle. I love that poor guy.


Also to note, I'm booked for a couple of local comic shops signings on May 5th (Free Comic Book Day). 

I'll be splitting my time between Borderlands and Richard's Comics and Collectables.

More on those appearances when the time comes.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Jamie's Journey

I had the pleasure of illustrating a picture book called Jamie's Journey

I absolutely loved every part of this project. From talking with the author about her ideas, to laying out my rough thumbnails, to painting it, this book was a perfect gem.

The lyrical writing is lovely. And fans of my watercolor work will enjoy several spreads of star-strewn skies and storms over the Atlantic.

You can preview the first few pages of the book over at Rowe Publishing.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Behold! I have wrought for myself a Tumblr. 

 Another blog? Well, not quite. It's different and here's my reasoning. Basically a third of my traffic comes from random folks posting my work on Tumblr. Thankfully, it's most always credited back to me otherwise I'd have no idea. I wanted to give the good people of Tumblr a legitimate source for my work to re-blog, re-tumbl, or whatever it is that goes on in that wild, untamed land of .gifs and memes.

What will I use it for? Mostly I see it as bringing my work to a new audience. I'll be rolling through several of my personal projects over there and revisiting some of my favorite posts from here.

So, all that to say my main blog is going holding fast and you can now follow me on Tumblr to revisit past projects!


Monday, January 16, 2012

The Hidden People: back in stock!

Just about every six months I begin a new personal project. There's nothing at all like making up something for yourself and seeing it through to completion. You have to juggle your paying client jobs and make the time to fit in these personal projects but the payoff for doing so is invaluable.

My most recent personal project is comprised of several stages. (And going by my 6 month timetable I'm nearly ready to commence THP part II.) The first part of this multi-tier-ed project has been The Hidden People, my 40 page sketchbook of what I guess would describe like "natural world creature fantasy." I've done two modest print runs and have had the good fortune to sell out of both. I've now done a third and I'm pleased to say that The Hidden People is now back in stock!



Follow the link to my shop to purchase!

Thank you for supporting my work! By picking up The Hidden People you help to fund this and other personal projects like it. I can't thank you enough for that.

You can preview the entire book in the video below:

Friday, January 13, 2012

Petr Ginz + UN

“The seed of a creative idea does not die in mud
and scum. Even there it will germinate and spread
its blossom like a star shining in darkness.”  

- Petr Ginz 

 We've been invited to the UN for a special screening of a documentary film I had the opportunity work on called The Last Flight of Petr Ginz. It's an amazing story of a young, brilliant Holocaust victim.

The UN Holocaust Outreach Programme is showing the film later this month. Afterwards I'll be joining a panel with the other filmmakers to talk about it.

* * *

Here is a new, incredible trailer for the documentary.

And here is a trailer I put together specifically for the animated portion.

Through out the feature length documentary three different kinds of animation are interspersed. One, original animation (most notably the outer space sequences.) Two, Petr's painting and drawings. And finally, different moments in Petr's life.

For this project I took the script and story-boarded the animation sequences. I oversaw the art direction of this portion of the film as well as created all of the art for animation and prepared many of Petr Ginz's original works to be animated. Danny McNight then took the work and animated it with Adobe After Effects.

About the Film:

By 14 Petr Ginz had written five novels and penned a diary about the Nazi occupation of Prague. By 16 he had produced 120 drawings and paintings, edited an underground magazine in the Theresienstadt Ghetto, written numerous short stories and had walked to the gas chamber at Auschwitz.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


The other day I found out that I've been nominated for an Eagle Award! 

Introduced in 1976, the Eagles are the comics industry's longest established awards. Acknowledged as the pre-eminent international prizes, they have been featured on the covers of leading US and UK titles across the last 30 years. Unique in that they reflect the people's choices.

I've been nominated in "Favourite Artist: Fully-Painted Artwork."

Well I'm flattered and excited! I don't know for sure but I'm going to guess that it was for the Fraggle Rock work.

Here are some of the pages:

If you liked the Fraggle stuff you can head over to the site and vote!

Monday, January 09, 2012

New year

It has been a wild last few months.

Between getting to work on Labyrinth and recently being invited to the UN, and getting to do a cover (about) one of my all time favorite books, 2012 is off to pretty great start. I'll cover more about those in upcoming posts but my goal here is to resume the M/W/F blog schedule. It's not easy, particularly when there's so much going on but still. I've abandoned my poor blog long enough.

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I always enjoy doing book covers. I don't get to do them often enough for my liking. I love getting to do a one-off piece form time to time. This is a look at a cover for an upcoming book about The Hobbit. You'll have to wait to see the full cover when it's release but here's a peek: