So, what happens to you if you're me and you're embroiled in the midst of an enormous three month long project (with 2 or 3 somewhat smaller [but nearly as time consuming] projects) oscillating around your head? 15 - 17 hours days, 7 days a week, give or take?
Here's what happens --
Your life fragments into two distinct pieces --
work and
decompression/Nintendo* * *
For the last three months on this massive animation project
(We're nearly, nearly done and I can't wait to be able to talk about it here, it's for a pretty big company that I'm sure you've heard of) I'd work like mad all day and crash in the early hours of the morning. But not before decompressing with a little Mario.
Mario 2 and
Mario 3, mostly.
I had to have some kind of in between time before sleep because if I just went to bed my brains would be buzzing with all that I needed to do and I couldn't sleep. So, Mario.
The result of this mix; delirious work schedule, little sleep, and Nintendo resulted in some of the silliest ideas I've ever had.
When I found tiny chunks of time in between the cracks of this enormous project I jotted those ideas down. I quickly amassed several pages of quickly scrawled jokes and notes of Nintendo related humor. Pretty specific, nerd humor. Like, if you haven't played level 4 of
Mario 2 you're not likely to know what the crap is going on.
So, some of my energies I channeled into a series of
Nintendo themed desktops that I released through GoNintendo, my favorite Nintendo blog. Kevin Cassidy, the guy behind it, is a stand-up fellow, funny, and very kind.
Now, what to do with the other ideas? They became my next personal project --
"bit and run" is a series of Nintendo themed comics. It is comprised of two volumes, each ending in an animated short; a grand total of 26 comics, 2 shorts -- 6 months worth of Friday posts. Volume 1 runs from January 1 - March 26.
Once again I've partnered with GoNintendo to release my work.
With out further ado, here's the first comic :
And if you're interested,
here's the initial release day post over on GoNintendo.These are quick, fun, and easy for me to do. I get a lot of enjoyment out of them and I hope you might too.
* * *
"bit and run" I think of as a "soft" project, it's one that's running in the background and pops up on Fridays. I'm still moving forward on my
Alice project and Flight 7 story.